Throughout the years, I have extended my translating experience by working for to the following customers and agencies:
- Court of First Instance (Leuven, Belgium)
- City of Leuven (Leuvenement festival)
- WP Alaerts architects
- KU Leuven (housing facilities)
- Inxco
- Gala Europe Kunststoffe
- Xantec Steuerungs- und EDV-Technik
- CEStronics
- FMW fuel handling
- ERCG Dalkia
- Melaleuca
- Belfor
- Trotec Laser
- Geberit
- Audi
- Evonik
- Stryker
- AJKL Übersetzungen (Cologne, Germany)
- Technical Translation Agency (Laa an der Thaya, Austria)
- Nednet-translations (Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium)
- Burton, Münch and Partners (Düsseldorf, Germany)
- Euroscript (Luxemburg)
- Transperfect (USA, UK)
- CFL Media Services (UK)
I have gained pedagogical experience at:
- Linguarama (Cologne, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Frankfurt)
- Miniemeninstituut (Leuven, Belgium)
- Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege (Brussels, Belgium)